Equifax has agreed to pay close to 700 million dollars to compensate for their data breach that affected 150 million people! Wow, it's amazing! Finally somebody is going to pay for exposing your private info to crooks and identity thefts and to restore your good name and credit that was destroyed by the breach. So get ready to spend your $2.33! WAIT, WHAT? You heard me, buck-fifty. Yeah you won't be celebrating with Macallan Rare Cask; a glass of Schlitz is going to be all you can afford after all the fingers have raked through the money. Yup that's right. While you'll be wasting countless hours over the next few years wading through the painful tedious process of restoring your credit, the real money goes to the gubmint. Again Let's break it down: the verdict is 650 million dollars but the victims will only see 350 million of that. I'm a math moron but even I can do the math on that one. https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/22/tech/equifax-hack-ftc/index.html
That seems to be the prime reason to set up and prosecute these class action suits. We are told it is to bring justice to victims but in fact it's to put big money into the pockets of mega law firms and all the cronies who benefit from the punishment doled out to the wrongdoers. But how is it punishment if, unlike the unwashed masses, they never see a minute in jail and the penalty is just a slap on the wrist? It's not, but that's the point. The point is while you are looking like a fool trying to cash your 2 dolla-fiddy cent check, 50 states plus the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, the entity that was created and funded to protect you and me from shit like this are going to divvy up 275 million dollars plus the balance that they screw the people out of, a minimum of 5.5 MILLION dollars a piece. So while once again the big guys run off with pockets full of money, you're left behind with enough for a cold glass of Schlitz, provided you go during Happy Hour...or very appropriately, a pocketful of screws. #screws #equifax #dollafiddy