After enduring two separate 30 day Fakebook bans for speaking the truth about this subject, it appears I will be vindicated as the judicial wheels keep chugging away in demand for justice against Racism and Hate Speech that was being subverted ironically by a very member of the judicial system, Kim Foxx, who in having old debts come due, decided to take her debtors' 'advice' and drop the case. Sadly in light of all the evidence that was not her call and subsequently she is under scrutiny, because she allegedly broke the law in her efforts to sweep the truth under the rug. "Early in the investigation, Foxx announced she was recusing herself from the probe because she had exchanged text messages with a member of Smollett’s family and promised to help them. But instead of removing her entire office from the probe, Foxx just appointed her top deputy Joe Magats to act in her stead. It was a move Judge Toomin determined invalidated the entire case from beginning to end." So finally there just might be some justice served for this Hate Crime after all. #Jussie #JussieSmollett #hatecrime #hate #KimFoxx