Although California has been paying Pelosi, Feinstein and Harris, since 2016 instead of doing those jobs taxpayers are paying them to perform, they have taken the money but used the time on crusades to destroy reputations and careers and campaign for reelection for themselves and other party members. Now they are using their obscenely expensive Impeachment Dog and Pony Show to cover up the horrific conditions of the state they have been ignoring in lieu of their quest to overturn an election by the people in accordance to the US constitution. They are an embarrassment to this country as both elected officials and women. THEY are the ones who should be impeached for refusing to withhold their oaths of office by refusing to do their jobs and for creating epically expensive ruses to overthrow the government at the expense of the taxpayers and this country. The fact that taxpayers are actually funding this is a travesty of justice and proof of how little they care about anything, especially their constituents, except their careers.
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