Answer: Why are you fighting both for mandatory vaccines in order for my children to attend public schools while simultaneously fighting for the US to maintain an open border whereby 400,000 undocumented immigrants without vaccination records can cross the border per year and move about freely within the country, including hospitals, restaurants, schools, etc? I have posed this question dozens of times within the past 2 weeks and I have only received one of two responses: either A. they ignore me, or B. they block me, but they never C. answer me.
So if any Dems are out there reading this, please answer the question. I would really like to know how this works. #dems #democrats #thewall #thedonald #trump #question #answer
UPDATE: Well surprise, surprise! One day after I originally published this article it's been confirmed that there is now a nationwide mumps outbreak amongst the illegal immigrants who crossed the border without their immunization records. The worst part is that it spread to and sickened, SO FAR, 33 federal workers: ." Cox said some detainees come from countries where communicable diseases are less controlled than in the U.S. and carry with them the risk of spreading infection." #mumps #mumpsoutbreak #immigrantsspreadingdisease #illegalimmigration #immigrants #unvaccinated #unvaccinatedimmigrants